About Us

Established in 2019 g.c

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Anchor management solutions is a consulting firm helping Organizations and Individuals to resolve their operational complexities, improve safety and insure profitability.

It is our policy to continue to work closely with each client with a sense of commitment on a long-term basis to ensure that the best practices are integrated into its operations.  Help  businesses improve their performance, grow by solving problems, finding new and better ways of doing things, necessary reduce costs and improve revenue.

We are motivated, enjoy problem solving and have an interest in helping organizations operate efficiently and manage their company effectively by creating a team whose objective is entirely focused on achieving the company’s vision, mission and objectives.

Hailu Mulugeta


To be a premium choice for systemic Management Service needs and a trusted Asset Management company with reputable track-record in the country.


Provide operational peace of mind to our clients through robust advisory and effective training resulting timely resolution of complex issues.

core Values